Poor digestion is a problem that affects a good number of people, especially those over 40 years of age. The results of poor digestion or dyspepsia are various, such as pain in the abdominal area, feeling of being full, followed by loss of appetite. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, we want to explain why exercise is good for digestion. Thus, you will have good options to enjoy all foods.
Benefits of exercise on the digestive system
It is well known that doing physical exercise is beneficial for our body to function properly, as it allows you to strengthen and maintain the health of the circulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. But we will also highlight it as an ally of the digestive system. Here are some benefits it can produce:
Exercise strengthens muscles
Good exercise management improves strength and muscle tone in the abdominal muscles, as well as stimulating the intestine to move food properly through the digestive system. In this way, it keeps the internal organs in place and prevents against constipation.
Exercise fights stress
One of the factors that most contribute to triggering gastric problems, such as inflammation, is stress. Through exercise you can combat it, since you reduce cortisol, a steroid hormone that is released with stress and results in the normalization of your intestinal function. It is especially beneficial for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis.
Promotes intestinal transit
By exercising you can regulate bowel habits and prevent constipation, diverticulosis, and even more, lower the risk of colon cancer.
You get to improve appetite control
The reason is that when you exercise, you cause a change in hormones, for example, the secretion of endorphins, and this results in you reducing the risk of overeating by eliminating gastrointestinal discomfort that is generated after taking copious meals.
Modifies the intestinal flora
With exercise it modifies the intestinal flora and this is advantageous because it prevents intestinal diseases and damage to the digestive system, which in general terms are caused by the imbalance of good and bad bacteria.
Improve your metabolism
By increasing metabolism, digestive processes are accelerated and the result is that the feeling of heaviness after meals is avoided and the risk of constipation is minimized.
Recommendations for performing exercises
As we have seen, exercising benefits digestion. However, it is not enough just to exercise, but we must understand the factors involved in them so that they are adequate and our digestive system works properly without complications. Therefore, note the following recommendations that we mention:
· Don't exercise immediately after a meal. Wait at least two hours after eating and at least 30 minutes after doing some vigorous exercise.
· Do not exercise if you have a full stomach or if you have had a lot of water.
· Try not to eat spicy or highly seasoned foods before exercising.
· Take an interest in knowing your body and if you notice that you experience any pain or discomfort after certain meals, as a measure, modify your diet.
· Do not have sugary and carbonated drinks before exercising. These drinks have been made to be ingested after having routines in which a lot of sweat is released; If you only do light or moderate exercise, avoid them.
· Before starting an exercise routine, first attend a consultation with a health professional, especially if you are pregnant, if you have not exercised for a long time, if you are of legal age, if you are under 16 years old or if you experience any delicate health condition.
Enjoy the benefits of why exercise is good for digestion
The fact that many people continue to suffer from poor digestion does not mean that it should be the same in your case. On the contrary, after you understand why exercise is good for digestion, don't neglect your health and continue to enjoy a good meal.
Weight control is a term used to discuss managing and maintaining a healthy body weight. Having a healthy body weight can mean different things for different people. The traditional way this weight is calculated is with the body mass index (BMI). Your BMI uses your height and weight to figure out your ideal weight range. This number can vary, but typically, you are considered obese if your BMI is over 30.