You hit your menstrual period again, but this time you notice clots in your blood. You are strange and confused and suddenly you are filled with a little fear, "should I be concerned?" you think in confusion… If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Learn about the causes of menstruation blood clots and how to avoid them in the following article.
What are blood clots in menstruation?
Blood clots can be completely normal and are not often a cause for concern. However, there are times when menstrual blood clots may warrant a check-up with the gynecologist. Read on to find out why.
The body naturally releases blood thinners to keep blood thin and fluid (moving freely). Clots are the body's natural way of controlling excess bleeding. Menstrual blood clots consist of a clotted mass of blood, fibrin, and endometrial tissue.
Why do blood clots form during menstruation?
Blood clots during your period or menstrual period are traditionally seen by many holistic health professionals as a sign of uterine stagnation due to a lack of uterine strength, which can lead to inefficient menstrual blood flow during menstruation. There are, however, a variety of reasons for blood clots to form.
Collection or retention of blood
Blood that remains inside the uterus is likely to clot due to the following reasons:
Endometriosis. Symptoms are thickening of the uterine lining and heavier blood flow during menstruation that can contribute to excessive clotting during menstruation.
The size of the uterus after delivery. Which means that the uterus does not successfully regress to its normal size (about that of a pear). During menstruation, blood can pool and clot inside a dilated uterus before it is expelled.
Uterine obstructions. Anything inside the uterus that can impede proper menstrual blood flow, such as fibroids, polyps, and adhesions.
Adenomyosis. A condition where endometrial tissue grows within the muscles of the uterine walls, resulting in part in heavy menstrual blood flow, prolonged bleeding, and clots during the period during menstruation.
Excessive menstrual bleeding
Heavy or heavy flow during menstruation can cause blood to pool inside the uterus faster than the body can fully and properly expel it. When this happens, the blood stagnates and clots.
Hormonal imbalance
If progesterone and estrogen (the hormones that control how the body sheds the lining of the uterus) are out of balance, the endometrial lining of the uterus may grow too thick. A thick uterine lining can result in heavier blood flow and more blood clots with your period.
For some women, period blood clots can be inconsistent and come in one cycle, but not the next, or several and then not reappear. This can be due to hormonal fluctuations, diet, or lifestyle changes, all of which can affect the thickness of the uterine lining. When there is a variation in the thickness of the uterine lining from cycle to cycle, the amount of menstrual blood can change as well, causing clots to form.
When to talk to the gynecologist
It would be best to speak with your doctor to determine if there is a fertility-health problem that affects the health of the uterine lining, or hormonal balance if:
· Blood clots are large.
· Many smaller blood clots come out in a short period of time.
· Blood clots in your period are accompanied by a variety of other things - fatigue, severe cramps, inflammation and swelling, prolonged periods, or excessive blood loss / flow, just a little bleeding, or interrupted periods.
Ways to naturally support uterine health
There are a variety of herbs and natural therapies that are beneficial in increasing uterine health.
Red raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus, spp.). An herb packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamins C and E, calcium, and iron, red raspberry leaf is astringent to body tissues and is known to tone uterine muscle which can be supportive in times of heavy bleeding such as result of uterine weakness.
Hydrate. Staying well hydrated is important for the healthy flow of all fluids within the body, including menstrual blood.
Exercise the pelvic muscles. Experts say swimming is the best exercise for strengthening the uterus, and that swimming for two hours a week can reduce back pain, ease period pain, and ease delivery. If you don't have a pool nearby, try pelvic exercise weights. They are very effective.
Massage your abdomen with rose essential oil. This is a uterine care routine that is popular in China and Korea. Put two drops of rose essential oil in the palm of your hand. Warm it up by rubbing the palms of your hands. Next, push your palms from your rib cage area toward your uterus. Massage several times until the area warms up a bit. This is an excellent massage to prevent and relieve period pain.
Eat a nutritious breakfast with whole grains. Research shows that 30% of women with pelvic problems have a lower-than-average intake of folic acid and beta-carotene. Whole grains are rich in these vital nutrients and the best time for absorption is in the morning when you eat breakfast.
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